A New Green Deal for America


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“You can tell a great deal about a society by the way they treat their elderly” (Unknown).
DENVER— I am a Colorado native and a disabled senior. Today I received notice from the state that an “Administrative Error” was made and I was overpaid in foodstamps. So effective immediately, my benefits are cut from $40 a month to $30, and I have to pay back the overpayment amount. Wow! News flash!
The recent Presidential campaign spent six billion dollars on the campaign. I watch daily as our economic crisis worsens and see the destruction of this failing system. With disbelief, we witness hundreds of billions of dollars spent on tax breaks and bailouts for the rich, while we lose our homes, jobs, schools, livelihood and go hungry…all in the richest nation in the world.
We are affected by gentrification in our communities and stand by as Corporate Giants steal our land to build empires off the backs of the poor. Corporations like Coors in Golden, Colorado, or Whirlpool in Benton Harbor, Michigan, or the numerous corporations fracking all across our nation, are disrespecting, stealing and destroying our land and water.  Everyday we are affected by the fascist laws that have been put in place by the Patriot Act, the Authorization Act, the Arizona Immigration Act, and the New Dream Act that tells us we can go to school, but not to the doctor. We let immigrants build our country, raise our kids, clean our houses, do the yard work and then tell them, “go back to where you came from.” This is the nation we live in. It values control and war more than salvaging human dignity.
Recently, I listened to and met with the Green Party’s Presidential Candidates Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala. They spoke of a plan for an economy that would serve everyday Americans. This would involve restoring our housing supply, bringing jobs while working towards halting climate change and, most importantly, calling for the 1% to pay their fair share. Cheri is a pioneer in the struggle for change and equality and is known all over the country for her passion and commitment to this country and its people. She doesn’t just speak change…she is that change. I’m proud to know that both Jill and Cheri have the experience, passion and strategies necessary to follow through with a vision to create a better nation. We have the political will to change this society and free it from unnecessary suffering and poverty.
The days of flipping a coin to pick between the lesser of two evils, or having to choose between who will shoot you and who will stab is over. I vote for Hope and Change, a better world!  This is A New Green Deal.
Contact Shark at Sharkbarros11@gmail.com or call 720-629-6177.

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