By Andi Sosin & Joel Sosinsky, The Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition
As America approaches the 102nd anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of March 25, 1911, the “fire that changed America,” it is worth noting that the same disregard for worker safety that made that preventable fire such a tragedy, the capitalist doctrine of profits over people, continues today all over the third world and in the erosion of OSHA worker safety protections in the USA. One hundred and twelve deaths in the Tazreen factory fire in Bangladesh on November 24, 2012, and even more recent industrial tragedies in the US and around the world are continuing testimony for the need to protest against morally corrupt multinational corporations such as WalMart, which considers the literal blood of innocent workers on the garments they sell no disincentive for the American working class to flock to their stores in search of bargain prices.
There are lessons from the horrific deaths of 146 immigrant workers in the Triangle fire that cannot and must not be forgotten. The historical struggles of the past, now revisited here and abroad, should inspire us all to stand up and make our voices heard above the anti-worker, anti-labor union thunder that comes from the obscenely well-funded forces of the political extreme right. Over 100 years ago, it was collective activism and the rise of American labor unions that forced the politicians of this nation to embrace the stringent and effective safety rules and regulations in the workplace that we take for granted today. The Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition, a truly grassroots group composed of victims’ family members and sympathetic social, academic and artistic organizations and individuals throughout the US, have joined in solidarity to create a permanent public art memorial to the victims of the fire and to the workers and activists (many of whom were women at a time when they still did not possess the right to vote in this country), who ought be remembered.
To that end, the Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition is proud to release a Call for Entries for artists, architects, fashion designers, students, and members of the public to submit design proposals for what is hoped will be a “destination” piece of public art that can inspire visitors to contemplate a future when America will again become a more equitable society. The Coalition is seeking entries that abstractly or representationally honor workers, labor unionists, health and safety advocates, immigrants and women, reminding viewers that activism moves society forward, and that people are more important than profits. New York University, owner of the Brown (Asch) Building, has agreed to install the selected design on the exterior of the actual building in which the fire occurred. A jury of distinguished professionals will review all submissions in a two-phase process. The winning artistic rendering will memorialize the event and its victims, and educate as well as speak to what citizens can accomplish when they band together in common cause.
See www.rememberthetrianglefire.org for more information about the Triangle fire and the memorial design open competition.