Mexico: Brutal Violence against Migrants


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Special thanks to Irieo Mujíca Arzate. His photos capture the brutality and suffering faced by our sisters and brothers from Central and South America in Mexican territory on their journey to the U.S. Photo/Irieo Mujíca Arzate
Special thanks to Irieo Mujíca Arzate. His photos capture the brutality and suffering faced by our sisters and brothers from Central and South America in Mexican territory on their journey to the U.S. Photo/Irieo Mujíca Arzate

CHICAGO—Our sisters and brothers who are Central and South American migrants are cruelly slaughtered when they head for the United States. First, they are massacured when crossing the southern border into Mexico. Then, those who manage to get across face the possibility of being attacked again on Mexico’s northern border, where thousands of victims are being recorded as killed and/or disappeared.
Also, on the northern border of Mexico, thousands fall victim of this violence. Father Alejandro Solalinde, a Mexican priest, has given aid to our brothers and sister migrants, creating health centers to support these migrants. Today he has extended his activism to fight for the basic human rights of those who migrate to survive.
“La Caravana Abriendo Puertas a la Esperanza” (Caravan Opening Doors to Hope) will start in San Diego, California on April 29. La Caravana will go to various states and will arrive in Waukegan, Illinois on May 16, and to Chicago on May 17,18,19. The Caravan will end its journey at the end of May in Washington, DC.
Father Solalinde has been threatened with death by the powerful that benefit from the “migrant industry,” even by the Mexican police. The powerful want to intimidate and/or kill him, to stop him from denouncing the hell that migrants suffer when they cross Mexican territory in their trek to the United States.
Father Solalinde is heading a caravan through the U.S. to denounce this brutality suffered by our brothers and sisters from Central and South America. They call on the American people to intervene to stop this situation that denigrates the human being as such.
We are all migrants.
For information about the Caravan, visit:

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  1. Mexico is a disgrace to its people. Where are the people of power? Someone has to step up to protect the people from harm, especially the children. They should supply food to the poor and provide medical assistance when needed. This is outrageous!


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