Police murder mentally ill homeless man and are found not guilty


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Protesters march to protest the not guilty verdict given to two Fullerton police after their acquittal in the Kelly Thomas trials. PHOTO/ETHAN HAWKES, DAILY TITAN
Protesters march to protest the not guilty verdict given to two Fullerton police after their acquittal in the Kelly Thomas trials.

FULLERTON, CA—Below are voices of Fullerton, CA protesters after the acquittal of the police officers in the murder of Kelly Thomas, a mentally ill homeless man. Their stories illustrate the spreading police state in America.
A video shows “police suddenly entering the park and detaining people indiscriminately. The vans would roll up, and militarized police jumped out and snatched people — like the Gestapo.” (From http://theantimedia.org)
Adam Walder said when he was in the paddy wagon, a policeman leaned over and said, “There is a pack of 12 cops waiting to smash your fucking faces in.”
“Patti Beers, a committed citizen journalist, was arrested by Fullerton police in riot gear, in the dark of night, out of the blue, for, as far as anyone can see, being at a protest, nothing more. Her live stream caught the footage up until they knocked the camera out of her hands. Part of it feels like a scary movie; dark figures roaming around in the night, snatching people. It felt creepy even by Southern California Police Department standards: no bullhorns warning about the imminent arrest of those who don’t clear the area, no lights—just stealth, quiet movements as they cuff people and take them away.” (a Facebook post from Occupy Santa Barbara)
“We were in our car driving away & had been respectfully demonstrating all day, we were not acting like punks, but were arrested anyways under erroneous charges. They were simply trying to make an example of us & anyone they could catch. I am a US Army Veteran & was zip tied while my child watched in horror. All while trying to leave. My daughter was taught today that freedom of speech does not exist in this country & that standing up for what is right is a crime!” (From J.A., a woman at the protest who posted her story on Facebook)
It is estimated that over 5,000 people have been killed at the hands of the police in the past twelve years. This is more than the number of Americans killed by insurgents in Afghanistan or Iraq alone. However, actual statistics on those killed by police are difficult to get since the FBI is not required to keep records of people killed by the police in the line of duty.

Ron Thomas, father of Kelly Thomas, outside the Orange County Court House after two Fullerton police officers were found not guilty on all charges. Family, friends and supporters of Kelly Thomas, walk with Ron to support him and his family. PHOTO/MARIAH CARRILLO, FOR THE DAILY TITAN
Ron Thomas, father of Kelly Thomas, outside the Orange County Court House after two Fullerton police officers were found not guilty on all charges. Family, friends and supporters of Kelly Thomas, walk with Ron to support him and his family.

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