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Monthly Archives: March, 2014

Confronting the American police state

Unarmed civilians with their hands in the air are gunned down like dogs. Nine- year-old children are handcuffed and dragged to jail for pointing...

Immigrant Workers Are Part of America’s Working Class

  The story is repeated across the world. The breakdown of capitalism forces people to migrate—often at the risk of their lives—from their home countries...

Chicago Charters: Make the Fight National

January 21, 2014, the Chicago temperature sank below zero while dozens of spirited protesters gathered outside the Board of Education office. They endured sub-zero wind-chills in an ...

Reform or Social Transformation: Which Way?

Many years ago Marvin Gaye asked us to figure out, “What’s Going On?” Well now we know quite a bit. The capitalists are waging endless wars killing and maiming our fine young men and ...

Democracy: are Flint citizens ready to live without it???

Recent events here underscore the depth and breath of dictatorship as outlined under Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law. These “Managers” are ...

Blankets and Corn

“Mr. Patterson's comments about the "blankets and corn" have affected more than just local Wayne and Oakland Counties. His comments are far-reaching to over 500 tribal nations in the U.S. ...

What L. Brooks Patterson meant

Brooks Patterson, the infamous Oakland County, MI executive, or Brooksie as I call him, was recently quoted in The New Yorker magazine as saying, “I made a prediction a ...

Activists against tar sands convicted of trespassing and resisting an officer

The trial of peaceful activists from Michigan Coalition Against Tar Sands (MI CATS) ended with the jury finding Vicci Hamlin, Lisa Leggio, and Barb Carter guilty of both charges brought ...

Fossil fuel extraction carves up the land

Fresh life is coming to Illinois in the middle of a long cold winter. Students at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale are meeting on a regular basis to talk about civil liberties ...

Reclaim the Earth

We are at a political crossroad. Climate change is real. Artic ice is melting, destructive storms, drought, floods, and extreme temperature fluctuations are now common around the ...

Victims of Environmental Racism Want Democratic Control of Community

From 1902 until 1991, the Koppers Wood-Treating plant ran in Carbondale at 1555 North Marion Street. This site treated wood products to prevent decay of wood to be used as railroad ...

Laura Wells: End poverty, vote for candidates who don’t take corporate money

My name is Laura Wells and I am running as a Green Party candidate for Controller. I am calling for a California state bank, so we can invest our money in California and not ...

“Forward Together – Not one step back!”

The Moral Monday Movement gathered together a growing movement across the South on February 8 in Raleigh, North Carolina, with a massive rally estimated to be between ...

Homeless Vet Goes on Odyssey for Peace

For several decades now, American citizens have shamefully and quietly passed by thousands of homeless and needy veterans living on the streets of our small towns ...

The Good, the bad, the ugly: the truth of two cities

The mayor of Washington DC, Vincent C. Gray, presented as his vision for the city the "One City" plan. This plan would insure all of our community's (citizens) a better quality of ...

The Battle for CCNV Shelter

The historic CCNV shelter (Community for Creative Non-Violence) is slated to close in a few years, and homeless leaders are mobilizing to ensure that the homeless are not left ...

“The story of Kelly Thomas hit close to home”

In January 2014, two Fullerton police offers were acquitted of charges on murdering Kelly Thomas, despite video evidence showing that Thomas was not a physical threat to them ...

Autoworker retiree healthcare: “You mean we didn’t get anything”

The UAW Voluntary Employee Beneficiaries Association (VEBA) in the end is just a hoard of money disconnected from production. That hoard must be gambled on penny ...

In crying out

I have learned not to scream
but chant, in vibration
with my heart
the earth

Robots in the fields: Farmworkers are not disposable objects

A wine-grape pruning robot that does the job of manual labor at half the cost. A strawberry-picking robot that works day and night. A lettuce-thinning machine in development ...

Stop police department spying

With the recent spotlight shining on the National Security Agency’s (NSA) spying apparatus, unnoticed is the government’s continued expansion ...

State of Michigan forces greater debt on Benton Harbor

The State of Michigan forced a $2.3 million loan down the throat of the citizens of Benton Harbor. The loan will keep them in debt. If you make a loan to pay off debts you ...

The future is up to us!

The stability of America has always rested upon that huge section of the population that had just enough to give them the hope that they were going to get some more. So long as ...

I asked him if he’d eaten

I asked him if he’d eaten
he said he’d had
a bunch of apples
all day