Luis Rodriguez speaks at De Anza College: “Imagine a new California”


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De Anza Green Party members and friends celebrate the Global Climate Convergence from Earth Day to Mayday 2014. They organized four days of education and action including an appearance by Green Party candidate for Governor, Luis J. Rodriguez. PHOTO/SHAMAKO NOBLE
De Anza Green Party members and friends celebrate the Global Climate Convergence from Earth Day to Mayday 2014. They organized four days of education and action including an appearance by Green Party candidate for Governor, Luis J. Rodriguez.

SAN JOSE, CA — Green Party-endorsed candidate for California Governor and renowned author Luis Rodriguez appeared at De Anza College near San Jose on April 28. Luis spoke with students in political science classes and then addressed an audience at the Campus Center patio stage at noon.
The Rodriguez campaign has stood for immigrant rights, labor rights, universal health care, anti-fracking, pro-environment, closing prisons, opening schools, and ending poverty. He is the only major Latino candidate in the race and was recently endorsed by the Mexican-American Political Association (MAPA).
“I propose cutting across the political, spiritual, and cultural spectrum to unify people around the vital issues,” Luis told the students. “No more poverty. No more failing prison system. No more poisoning of our air, water and land. Free quality education for everyone. Free healthcare from the cradle to the grave. And access to art, music, dance, theater, public art, writing, and festivals in every neighborhood.
“This campaign is like no other, addressing the intersection of the environment, the economy and social justice. Presently these pillars of a healthy society are largely disconnected, even at odds. We need an integral California—where a strong economy is needed for a clean and green environment, where a clean and green environment is best for a strong economy, and where social justice is inseparable from both.
“People can have their own political perspectives, faiths, and traditions, but when the economy tanks—when homes are foreclosed, jobs lost, services cut—it matters little who is Republican, Democrat or independent. Who is Christian, Muslim or atheist. Who is Black, brown or white. Everyone is affected.
There is now a sense that what’s important is the social class one belongs to—who has the power and wealth, who doesn’t? Who is part of the one percent or the 99 percent?”
This June 3 you can vote for a Governor you believe in. You do not have to vote for “Austerity Jerry” Brown or “Tea Party Tim” Donnelly for Governor. Luis is running to become one of the “top two” candidates who will proceed to the November general election, and confront the other parties over their policies of budget cuts, jails, deportations, and poverty in the midst of plenty.
Luis’s appearance was sponsored by the De Anza Green Party club.
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