Today It’s Ferguson, Tomorrow It’s You


Photo credit/ Torriuan and Derrick, Instagram: @fmphotography13,; 314-299-8740 and 314-695-6923

Two young men leisurely walk down the street in their Ferguson, Missouri community. The police ride up and moments later one of the young men, college-bound 18-year-old Michael Brown is dead. Witnesses describe it as a police execution. An outraged community then begins to protest. The policerespond with a cover up. This is followed by even wider protests and growing rebellion.
While the community is urged to be peaceful, militarized officers inbattle gear hit the streets for war. The officersface off with protesters, taunt them and call them animals. This is not just one bad racist cop. We are slipping further into fascism. Our automated economy no longer needs us. Human life is cheapened to zero. A new, militarized, fascist police state is put in place to crush the demands of the people for justice and a decent life.
Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, James Boyd—the list of victims awaiting justice is endless and will only increase. Today its Michael Brown of Ferguson, tomorrow it could be you in your town. It is precisely because the system is the cause of mass unemployment and poverty that the government defends the rights of the police to murder us in cold blood. Injustice will end when the economic system that has given rise to it is gotten rid of and replaced by a cooperative economy that will end poverty and injustice. Imagine the justice in a new world of abundance, peace and freedomfor all.

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  1. But for the Grace of God, there goes us. Michael Brown did not think his life would end over a power play, by the police in August 2014. Each unaddressed injustice leads to the ultimate injustice
    When people allow “Wrongs” to go unchallenged, we grow the bullies! When we coward away from fighting a pharmacy which did us wrong, or from any power play in any form, we send out the message that we can be walked over. Injustice can happen to the ordinary person a few times a year. You do not need to be an elite person to have your internet service, say they cannot control their automatic system and demand a hefty fee for reinstating the denial of services. Or you can stand up and fight with love, even if you are a nobody.
    When we do nothing to address the small injustices each of us suffer, we might being laying the foundation for more Michael Browns or Trayvon Martin’s. We can do nothing to bring them back. We can, send a message we want no more dead people, especially our young folks of any color. We can tell those wanting to believe they are of more worth than is another human being- We all are of value.


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