The D.C. for the People Campaign of Eugene Puryear


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Editor’s note: Eugene Puryear, DC Statehood Green candidate for Councilmember-At-Large, talks to Tim D’Emilio of the Peoples Tribune about his candidacy and the D.C. for the People campaign.
Washington D.C. has seen a major boom over the past decade, becoming one of the hottest cities in America. It also has become one of the most unequal. A study in 2012 estimated that the top fifth of D.C. income earners had average earnings that were 29 times higher than that bottom fifth! That was good enough to make D.C. the third most unequal city in the country. Almost 20 percent (18.4) of District residents live below the poverty line; when including those living just at or just above the poverty line, it jumps to 24.1 percent.
Looking at the 2013 annual averages, “official” unemployment in D.C. last year was 8.6 percent. If we look at what perhaps is a more meaningful measure, the U6 rate, which measures as unemployed all those not looking for work, and those forced to work part-time, that rate stood at 14.1 percent. The rising cost of housing in D.C. is turning formerly poor neighborhoods into playgrounds for the rich. Gentrification has resulted in a median monthly rent of more than $1,400!
The D.C. for the People election campaign I am waging is a response to this state of affair
s. The District government is completely beholden to capitalist interests, particularly in the real estate sector. Poor and working people have no consistent advocate on the D.C. Council.
The campaign has two main goals. First and foremost to win, which is a well-recognized possibility even among the media and our opponents. One of the key strategic weaknesses of movements of the poor and oppressed people in the District is lack of an advocate for progressive legislation such as the $15/hr. minimum wage, building affordable housing, keeping down the cost of childcare, defending public education and taking on the effects of mass incarceration.
By joining the Council my goal is to advance whatever legislation possible, but to also use each piece of legislation as a point of organizing linked to broader strategies to achieve social change. In addition, it is to expose the backroom dealing where powerful interests subvert any pretension of democracy.
This leads to our second main goal which is movement building.  We’ll use the campaign to bring together people from diverse movements and increase the operational unity between the interconnected struggles of those marginalized by local elites.
Actual social movements that overturn powerful forces are not just about one tactic or method of struggle, but the strategic unity of the various tactical fronts. The D.C. for the People election campaign is fighting to win every gain for working and poor people possible, while facilitating a broader movement to overcome their exploitation.  Together we can make it happen!  To get involved, visit or call the Campaign HQ: 202-556-1651

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