Fight every instance of police violence


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The movement to gather support for a murderous, militarized police force while demonizing the victims is growing. Today, the victims are overwhelmingly people of color. Given American history, it could not be otherwise. History also shows us that as the brutality against the minorities become accepted by the majority, it is inevitably used against everyone.
The ruling class has declared war on us. Not because they want to, but because they have to. History shows that as new ways of producing change the economic foundation, a new society that fits the new foundation must be built. At this point begins a class war over what kind and whose society will be built. Will it be another society based on the exploitation of labor, or will it be a society based on public ownership of the socially necessary means of production? What people think will make the decision.
The laws that govern political, or class war, are the same as military war. The first of these laws is deception. President Lyndon Johnson once said that if you want to control a group, give them someone to look down on. This deception has been and is the basic tactic of the ruling classes’ control of the American majority.
This deception is becoming clear. Are there actually two societies within one country —one Black and one white—where police brutality is necessary to protect one group from the other? Or is the question of race a cover for economic exploitation of both groups—since both are workers?
The ruling class understands that the antagonism between spreading wage-less production and a society based on wages is irreversible. That antagonism will intensify until it breaks out into revolution. They intend to be prepared for the upheaval that is coming.
The economy is forcing more and more white workers into the economic trench with the Blacks and Browns. In this way what appears to be a color question is stage-by-stage clearly becoming a question of class hidden behind race.
As the class aspects of the struggle become clear, the police more and more separate themselves from society and govern solely through force since the precedent has already been set by the attacks against the minorities.
The blood soaked history of the 20th century shows us that in order to stop a complete police fascist takeover of the country, every instance of police violence and disregard for constitutional rights must be fought. The first step is to reject the deception.

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