Philadelphians fight cuts to teachers’ healthcare


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Moffet Elementary teachers join a rally in Kensington, PA to fight for full school funding. Over 27,000 teachers have been laid off state-wide. Now they want to cut teachers’ health benefits. PHOTO/HARVEY FINKLE
Moffet Elementary teachers join a rally in Kensington, PA to fight for full school funding. Over 27,000 teachers have been laid off state-wide. Now they want to cut teachers’ health benefits.

PHILADELPHIA, PA — We live in a world where children are denied the right to proper education. School funds are constantly cut and now the School Reform Commission (SRC) in Philadelphia decided they are going to try and fix the school system by cutting health care benefits for teachers! What about all of the funds going towards the prison system and oil companies? This past month Shell Oil was provided a $1.7 billion tax break while $0 was allocated for textbooks. Teachers are told it is their time to make sacrifices but they have been sacrificing all along with limited resources, over crowded classrooms and fulfilling extra roles such as counselor and nurse, due to a lack of funding for full time staff.
On October 9, the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC) stood with parents, students, and teachers to demand that Governor Corbett explain himself and provide full funding for our schools. They shut down the elevators, blocked our access to the Governor and kicked out the media. They even went as far as to arrest Cheri Honkala, National Coordinator of PPEHRC and parent of a student at Julia R. Masterman School who attempted to deliver a citizen’s arrest against the governor for crimes against education and our children.
On October 15, the Philly Coalition Advocating for Public Schools organized a press conference in front of the headquarters of the School District of Philadelphia in response to the SRC’s decision. During this press conference, Cheri Honkala’s message was clear: “Don’t mess with our babies’ education!”
The following day, October 16, more than 1,000 teachers, parents, students, and community supporters gathered in front of the headquarters of the School District of Philadelphia to continue to protest against the SRC’s decision. During the protest, Cheri Honkala testified in front of the SRC to address the cancelation of teacher’s contracts along with 59 other speakers.
They continue to cut back but we will continue to fight back! Our schools will be saved no matter how long we have to fight against this broken system! We are very proud of the students, teachers, parents, and community members that continue to protest during these important demonstrations. There is no change without the people uniting together and demanding it! The people united will never be divided and we will win!

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