UN representatives recommend restoration of all residential water


Audience listens to United Nations representatives who came to Detroit to investigate the city’s immoral water shut-offs. Some 300,000 water shutoffs have occurred over a period of years. They recommended immediate restoration of all residential water. PHOTO/ DAYMONJHARTLEY.COM
Audience listens to United Nations representatives who came to Detroit to investigate the city’s immoral water shut-offs. Some 300,000 water shutoffs have occurred over a period of years. They recommended immediate restoration of all residential water.

Editor’s note: The following are excerpts from a Michigan Welfare Rights Organization statement issued its by State Chairperson, Maureen D. Taylor.
DETROIT, MI — On Oct. 20, 2014, United Nations representatives met with the Mayor, and part of his staff to discuss the recent mass water shutoff’s plaguing Detroit (Some 300,000 water shutoffs have occurred over a period of years.)
Amid a flurry of “denials” and veiled attempts to discredit the intention of the two United Nations specialists, the Special Rapporteurs pressed for answers about recent water shutoffs.
Since that historic session, several things occurred.  The City issued statements that paint the Special Rapporteur’s visit as “nothing but a show.”  One City employee, Ms. Wiley, labeled the city’s initial report as “sad,” suggesting they were following a separate agenda that did not reflect the truth about Detroit’s water shutoffs.
Over and over again, the City suggested that those unable to find resources to help prevent shutoff or restore water already shutoff were not truthful or that they were too dumb to find simple information.  The old, tired . . . “people want free water” message was dragged out, a phrase that is repeated even though no one ever asked for that.
The Special Rapporteurs’ conclusions include a strong recommendation that all residential water accounts be restored, which allows the City to determine if there are low-income families with children, the disabled, elderly, or veterans living there who need supportive programs that structure payments they can afford.
It is a violation of international law to deprive residents of water if they are too poor to pay.It is patently wrong to disconnect water where low-income people live, and no amount of “American Exceptionalism” can alter that.  What kind of city is this? Are our elected officials so drunk with power that they choose not to keep the poorest residents safe and clean? Why didn’t someone in city government stand up when the Emergency Manager made this life-threatening recommendation for water shut-offs and scream how wrong it was and that as duly elected officials, you would NOT force-march masses of Detroit residents into the crematoriums of poverty and torture?
Along with our city officials stand many members of the clergy who have stood in silence while the torture of the most vulnerable unfolded. The Spirit that many profess to serve has been waiting for you to discover your courage, or your voice.  I try daily to forgive your cowardice . . .
We hope that the legal violations identified by the Special Rapporteurs find their way soon as written charges to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. All nations should be alerted about these international violations so that sanctions might be discussed and even levied. The U.S. government is ultimately responsible to secure the human rights of the most vulnerable.
As a field general in the army of social justice for vulnerable, low income populations, it falls to me and mine to keep this battle in the face of all humanity. We will take every opportunity to convince those in power that their salvation lies in distancing themselves from the “dark” side in favor of protecting, serving, and advancing the quality of life for all.

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