Pentagon supplies L.A. Unified School District with combat weapons


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More and more high school students (like these in Los Angeles) are becoming aware of the dangers of militarization on their campuses. PHOTO/REBECA VILLEGAS
More and more high school students (like these in Los Angeles) are becoming aware of the dangers of militarization on their campuses.

By Nathalie Bonilla, Co- President, San Pedro High School Peace Club

“Due to public outcry, school districts nationwide are debating whether to keep their Pentagon issued assault rifles . . .”
LOS ANGELES, CA — Much controversy has arisen over recent revelations about the distribution of military combat weapons to school districts and local law enforcement. These weapons have immense firepower and could ultimately pose a threat against the public’s comfort and safety.  Many Americans are frightened and feel threatened by having weapons of war in their community.
Events in Ferguson, Missouri, where the police department deployed tanks and military style weapons against residents peacefully protesting the police killing of an unarmed civilian brought the nation’s attention to the issue of law enforcement’s access to more powerful deadly weapons such as: grenade launchers, armored vehicles, and m16 rifles. Why should we the people allow such threatening weapons into our neighborhoods?
Our Los Angeles School District agreed to return the grenade launchers obtained from the Pentagon, but refuses to relinquish the assault rifles and mine-resistant vehicle. Are assault rifles or tanks really necessary on our school campuses? A militarized environment would only cause more weariness and disillusionment amongst the students, skeptical about the claims that school districts need these weapons because of the number of mass shootings on school campuses—particularly in the light of the disturbingly high number of police shootings of unarmed civilians nationwide.
What does the distribution of lethal weapons to law enforcement and school officials look like? The government can give arbitrary explanations, but if we analyze this situation objectively we can only assume the worst. It is almost as if the government wants to use these weapons in the future to control us.
Officials such as San Diego Unified School District Police Chief Rueben Littlejohn claim that such arms will be used for protection of the public and its students, citing the example of Sandy Hook Elementary School. But what exactly do we need protection from? Do we not spend billions of dollars already to keep warfare outside of our nation? These questions arise because of the excess militarization of first our local police departments, and now our school police departments!  However, the underlying question is, what is the government preparing for? Is it protection from foreign emissaries or domestic uprisings?
With these troubling questions in mind, we should stand up and fight against the acquisition of deadly weapons within our communities. Let us educate the public about what is really going on around them and why it is not acceptable. Then we can unite and protest so that the Los Angeles School District will agree to give up its extra assault rifles and ominous MRAP tank. For we are a nation that stands united when certain situations contradict our democratic way of life; thus, we should strive to correct any inconsistencies no matter how daunting they may be.

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  1. One only needs to have attended a non violent protest in the past few years to know the answer to the question: “who are they protecting?” In the 90s, I never saw military vehicles at protests in downtown America…. now it is common! EVEN STANDARD PROTOCOL!
    It began with Occupy I believe, and it is escalating…. they are afraid that one day we will all wake up and take the blinders off, and when that day comes.. they want to be prepared… the people are waking up, and while this has been a race issue for centuries, it is not a race issue anymore.
    Be prepared! Our choices will be to ignore and die or ackowledge and respond. Itt is our responses that will shape this nation for our generations.
    What kind of legacy will we leave for our grandchildren?
    Will we allow them to instill fear in the next generations?
    Or will we “just say no” to police militarization?
    If you buy the line that they are preparing for an outside threat, you are just as docile as so many that have become cannon fader for the rise of fascim… its too late to wake up! Just trust … they WILL injure or kill you and yours with no impunity… they have already… what is your response? I pray that the people will not allow our government to continue to intimidate.
    Compromises like allowing them to send the grenade launchers back but not the vehicles and assault rifles send a message as to what our respose will be.
    There can be no compromise in the defense of our future generations.
    Please think…PRAY, and act… do not roll over! Do not go home, and do not give up!


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