The quotes below are from Benton Harbor residents. The community is deeply concerned about the railroading of Rev. Pinkney for his political activities in exposing corruption and poverty in their city, which is in the hands of the corporations and their lackeys. — The People’s Tribune
“What’s going on in Benton Harbor is beyond racism—it’s high crime. They locked Rev. Pinkney up on suspicion of changing some dates on petitions and Commissioner Bob Wooley admitted he had stolen for over seven years of thousands of dollars from the Senior Center and got a lighter sentence. Also, Wooley had been auditing himself—and they allowed it. There’s a cover up. They all had their hands dirty. Rev Pinkney talked too much. They locked him up to try to keep their crimes quiet. But it is out in the open now.” – Emma Kinnard, Benton Harbor
“Rev. Pinkney is a very good friend of mine. He helped me write an article about homelessness.” — Orlando Cage, Benton Harbor
“If the American people want to move forward, they have to unify around common issues like poverty, water, corporate influence.” — Patti Heinz, Benton Harbor
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