“We as a people must become one”


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NEWARK, NJ — The address, 405 Chancellor Avenue is inner city Newark, New Jersey. It is the location of the Church of Christ where I attend. The predominantly African American area is impoverished and full of crime. At least two people have been killed on the corner by the church. This is a spot where drugs are openly bought and sold. The illegal nature of drug dealing fosters violence, whether it be from other drug dealers or the police.
I recall when we started the work in 2008. Without fail, every time my wife and I visited the building we would see the same t-shirt. The one depicting the newly elected President Obama with the word HOPE underneath. Now we don’t see that shirt worn at all. While there is still pride in having a Black president, the anticipation of change for the better has vanished.
At the church, we are not wealthy people by any means. Most of us have jobs so we are doing better than the average person. We have the luxury of being able to drive and to live decently. To serve the community we give out clothes and school supplies. We don’t charge for our services. Admittedly it is very little we can provide compared to what is needed.
But we provide a spiritual relief. We bring a message of hope and acceptance. Change in society does not come by a mass conversion.  Rather, it is by individuals one at a time. Christianity is at best a misconstrued notion. It has been used to justify brutal chattel slavery and genocide. Today the Republican Party uses it a guise for fascism. But read the New Testament with understanding. In it are the most profound revolutionary words ever uttered.
“The love of money is the root of all evil.” In this statement alone, capitalism is rejected. “Turn the other cheek,” “Love your enemy.” Slavery is abolished, as is war. “Whatever you have done to the least of me you have done unto me.” A formula to assist those in need.
No message, even a divine one will be communicated without hard work. To quote Joe Hill, “Don’t mourn, organize.” The state is a vastly organized beast. It has a chain of command and diversity of functions. It is a cruel juggernaut that will either crush you or slowly drive you insane. The first step in revolutionary change is becoming aware that there is an alternative method. That there is some other way to live your life.
Some people on the left would like to categorically reject any notion of God. In turn, I categorically reject intellectualism. I see a lot of people talking about change but I don’t see many people doing anything to bring it about. It’s time to either be real or quit the criticisms.
If revolutionary change is to be successful, we as a people must become one. If nothing else, at the Church of Christ, we go amongst the people. We hear their voices and share their sorrows.

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