Twelve people—teachers, parents, grandparents—began a hunger strike in early August to get Chicago Public Schools to re-open Walter Dyett High School ...
Some have asked what my vision, as a Christian is, for a just society. So, for what it is worth, here it is: Well for one, Acts 2 described an egalitarian society, in the early Church, where resources were shared equally to each according to their needs, ...
The People’s Tribune relies exclusively for its financial support on those who read and write for the paper. We offer our pages to grassroots leaders who speak out on issues such as poverty, healthcare, housing, water, education, police ...
Friends, families, and supporters of inmates incarcerated in the Santa Clara County Jail here rallied on September 4 to protest the brutal murder of ...
People in San Jose, California and elsewhere in the Silicon Valley area have erupted in a surge of organizing activity around skyrocketing rents and ...
Amadou Diallo
Twenty-three years old
Guinean immigrant in the Bronx,
New York.
His name rolls off the tongue
Like waves rising from the port of Conakry
“Human bodies need sleep—Humans need a place to sleep!” read the sign in front of a Tent City in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood. Hot dogs off ...
By Geo Errol Jennings, President, Russell Woods Neighborhood Association
Please understand why coming together is important! The NAACP is not doing it. The churches are...
Strangling in the muck of history.
He leans against the tavern wall.
And silently gazes across the Avenue.
Where watchdogs of property.
With vulture eyes and shotguns
With a small stick he worked the grains of wheat
out of the cracks between the rotten boards
of the boxcar floor flying through the Depression
and built a little mountain of them in his palm,
The attack on immigrants in America is relentless, as the articles in this issue of the paper illustrate. We must draw a line now. It is not possible—and our rulers are well aware—to have a ...
The state of Texas is already practicing Donald Trump’s and other candidates’ propositions to deny citizenship to U.S. born children whose parents are ...
Trump’s latest call for pogroms against about 12 million people, including “anchor babies” who are half this amount, and deporting all undocumented ...
Despite claims by city and state officials that the water supply in Flint is safe to drink, independent expert tests conclusively show that city’s drinking ...
Benton Harbor, MI is ground zero in the corporate privatization of all things public and the outright theft of government of, for and by the peoples ...