DETROIT, MI — After months and months of DAILY emails from Michigan Welfare Rights Organization (MWRO), on September 8, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) came to the MWRO office to hear horrific, first-hand accounts of water shut offs and foreclosures.
The representatives from HUD sat quietly listening with an occasional yawn. Emotionless. After WE were done telling our stories, the head dude in charge, Mr. Whoever, stood and said something patronizing like, “I know what its like to be without heat and have to boil water to bathe, so I am going to pray for you all . . . I don’t know what you think WE have the power to do AND WE will look into the HUD related testimonies, BUT don’t expect milk and honey to run through the taps.”
Maureen Taylor, chairperson of MWRO, made it clear that WE didn’t need him to pray! WE expect them to act! She made clear our needs and intentions, smiled, thanked them, shook all their hands, and sent them back where they came from.
They were given a bag that said water is a human right! Support the water affordability plan! The bag was full of resource papers and first hand testimonies.
WE shall see what becomes of this visit.
The feelings and views expressed are mine.
Great Job!!!!!