Photo/People’s Tribune
Benton Harbor, MI is ground zero in the corporate privatization of all things public and the outright theft of government of, for and by the people. Corporate owned media will not cover that story and keeps it out of the news. On this page is an article by Emma Kinnard entitled, “You deserve to be heard” which sheds light on the struggle to change that. (See http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/2015/10/benton-harbor-you-deserve-to-be-heard/) If you are the homeless, the dispossessed, the underemployed or the family just struggling to survive, the People’s Tribune opens it’s pages to your story. Get bundles of the paper, pass them out and spread the word. Call 800-691-6888, visit peoplestribune.org or email info@peoplestribune.org