“Battling Fresno’s Panhandlers” is a program that aired on a Fresno, California news station. Its mean-spirited message is: “Don’t feed the homeless. Don’t give them money. Don’t help them. They will take advantage of you.” This carefully designed propaganda was intended to blame the homeless for their poverty rather than an economic system that cares only about the interests of a billionaire ruling class. The reality is that homelessness, under capitalism, is insoluble in an era when electronic production is throwing millions out of the workplace permanently. The rulers aim to drive a wedge between the homeless, their supporters and the soon-to-be homeless in order to thwart a common struggle for the only solution: a new society where society’s abundance is distributed all, regardless of if you have money to pay or not. Help get out a newspaper that speaks the truth! Order the People’s Tribune. Write for it. Visit us on the web at peoplestribune.org
Attacks on homeless are an attack on us all
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