BENTON HARBOR, MI — On Nov. 24, 2015, Benton Harbor activists gathered in front of the Berrien County Court House to rally for Rev. Ed Pinkney’s freedom. He has been incarcerated for nearly a year on bogus charges, because he stood up to Whirlpool and the local governments. The group plans to demonstrate on a regular basis, possibly weekly, even through the holidays. Injustice doesn’t take a break, so as activists, and humanitarians, we can not either. It is a constant fight we can’t just walk in and out of.
At the rally, Dorothy Pinkney stressed that the community should not fall silent concerning the injustices carried out by Berrien County. She said, not only was Rev. Pinkney a victim of their system, but hundreds of others are as well.
Benton Harbor resident, James Duncan joined us. He is 3rd Ward Commissioner Juanita Henry’s husband and a long time activist (going back to Watts in “68.) He said, “It doesn’t matter that there is only a few out here, the message is still being brought. But persistence is key. I will try to be out here whenever you come out!”
Emma Kinnard, a long time community activist for justice in Benton Harbor, said, “I think we should step it up, and come out here every week, or every other week. What’s a couple hours a week? The Rev. is doing time for us all.”