The recent publicity around the 2014 murder of Laquan McDonald by Chicago police has again focused a spotlight on the campaign of terror the police are waging against the people.
While the corporate media paint police violence as solely an issue of racism; it is this—and more. It is an assault on the working class and on democracy itself. Police brutality and killings are the face of the drive toward a complete fascist takeover of America.
Today, automation has created massive permanent unemployment and poverty. This will inevitably lead to social upheavals as the people fight for their survival. The ruling class is moving to impose a militarized police state to maintain order and protect their wealth, power and property.
Given American history, their assault falls first and heaviest on workers of color. The result is that the class nature of the attack is hidden. Their goal is to make it appear that the attack is solely because of color in order to isolate one section of workers from the rest of the class. This division paves the way for a full-fledged police state.
The role of revolutionaries is to show the people that the rulers are using the race question to hide the fact that they are step-by-step imposing a police state on our entire society. To stop a complete police fascist takeover, every instance of police violence and disregard for constitutional rights must be fought. Reject the rulers’ deception.
Fight for justice for Laquan McDonald!