Tent cities are popping up everywhere. Uncaring city governments tear them down as they go up. Homelessness illustrates the decay of an economic system organized around profits for a corporate class. As our labor is discarded from workplaces, we are tossed into the streets to fend for ourselves. The corporate-government will not provide for us. There’s no profit in it. We need a powerful movement to force the government to release the tens of thousands of homes it has in its possession to those in need. This struggle will set the stage for a totally new system and government—of, by and for the people—where our necessaries of life are distributed to all, whether we have money or not. The People’s Tribune opens its pages to this fight. Send us stories. Order bundles of papers. Call 800-691-6888. Visit peoplestribune.org or email info@peoplestribune.org/