BENTON HARBOR, MI — When hanging out at home recently, my daughter noticed a little girl (5-6?) crying at Sorter School (well, what USED TO BE!) and went out to see what was up. The girl had cut her hand on broken glass from windows on the back of the building. So, Jess went out with the first aid kit and bandaged the little girl up. Her sister was with her, not much older, 7? 8? ANYWAY . . . Someone called the police on these precious little girls without knowing the FACTS! I see them play everyday, they’re good little girls!
The younger one got cut because, as she put it, “I want to save the school! I want to save them ALL!” (They were trying to clean up the glass!) The older girl said she attended school there and was sad she couldn’t go back. She said she and her little sister, “Really, really LOVE God—and His Son, Jesus.” The younger one informing me, if I don’t “love God and try to be good” I might not make it into Heaven. (Bless them, Lord!) I thanked her for her wise advise, and let them know, I do love the Lord.
Next thing I know, a Benton Harbor Township car pulls into the school’s rear parking lot, then an SUV (Benton Harbor Township), then a janitor, and then a THIRD Benton Harbor Township SUV!
The girls had left their bikes by the school, and wanted them, but were afraid. The older girl told me, “I know police are supposed to be good, but I’m scared of them kinda.” I told her not all cops are bad, I know some good ones. So I walked them over to their bikes and made sure they got on their way home.
This incident made me a little irritated, for a few reasons.
1. Earlier, three boys (8-14 yrs. old?) had BB guns, next to the school, firing them TOWARD Pipestone Ave.! But, no one came to stop THEM!! (not being funny, but they are white)
2. The fact that these little girls FEAR Public Servants they should feel safe about.
3. I spoke to the neighbor who I suspected made the call, and asked how it was reported. “Oh, I told them (the police) kids were messing around by the school, breaking in. I thought they broke the window!” This seemed a bit much for two itty bitty girls! I let this person know THAT is exactly the kind of miscommunication that caused Tamir Rice to be killed by police in Cleveland!
PLEASE LOOK OUT FOR ALL OUR YOUNG PEOPLE! They are the future, and a very special present.