More than half of Americans have less than $1000 to their name and are vulnerable to being wiped out by the least emergency. Millions stand on the edge of the abyss, or have already fallen into the streets.
The powers that be do everything to distract us and divide us against each other. But a hungry stomach has no color. This reality is bringing people together to demand what they need as a right.
In one city, a group came to a homeless encampment with flyers attacking undocumented workers. This got zero cooperation because many of the homeless were undocumented themselves, or lived beside their fellows who were.
People are waking up to the fact that there is no reason why anyone should be homeless, hungry, or deprived of education or healthcare in this age of abundance, and that they must unite around their common problems. This unity is necessary to achieve a successful struggle, whose solution demands a new society that provides for all.