“If we want change, we must speak out!”


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BENTON HARBOR, MI — The community of Benton Harbor has been under economic oppression for a long time.  But, since the Emergency Manager law swept through Michigan, it has worsened.  Whirlpool Corporation and their non-profit community development service, Cornerstone Alliance, have been instrumental in the gentrification of Benton Harbor.  They are buying up large parcels of land and blocking the development of resident-owned businesses.
This was made clear at the August 15 Benton Harbor City Commission meeting.  Robert Jackson and Jeremy Buckner, of the Freedom Life Church, came to the meeting to inquire about a property (200 Paw Paw). They had made an offer on it in May. They wanted to start a small business incubator for the residents of Benton Harbor.  I found it strange that the City Manager Darwin Watson seemed to have no knowledge of this. Once again, “road-blocks” in the way of the people!
The city has also levied high water bills on the residents for a couple years now, along with outrageously high charges ($200 per city lot!) for those who don’t or can’t mow their lawns. The “fees” are attached to the resident’s taxes if they are unpaid, and can result in the loss of their homes if left unpaid!  This is a direct attack on less fortunate people, who can’t afford the fines and fees they are being oppressed with.
We MUST stand against such corruption!  When those we’ve elected fail to stand for us, we have no choice but to remove them. We must stop paying to be abused by those we elect! Economic standing should not determine if and when your elected officials stand with and for you.  If we want change, WE must help bring it about—by speaking out!

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