Americans to rally to save democracy at Inauguration Day protests


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Some of the thousands who marched following the election of Trump. Millions more will demonstrate their anger and fears for the country on Inauguration Day.

Trump’s selection of a cabinet nominees are made up almost entirely of corporate people and military generals. All are committed to stealing all that remains public for the corporate class while assaulting the standard of life of the people. The process confirms the textbook definition of fascism— the naked merger of the corporations and the government. In response, Americans, whose intentions are to save democracy and fight for their rights, are gathering on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017. Below our excerpts from statements of just a few of the groups who will be participating in these rallies.
“Across the country, educators, school staff, parents, students, political leaders and community allies will stand together to show President-elect Trump that we are committed to protecting ALL our students, our schools and our communities, and to demonstrate our opposition to Betsy DeVos as secretary of education… Support public education, call on the Senate to reject Betsy DeVos as secretary of education, and demand no school closings or charter/voucher expansion.”— The Chicago Teacher’s Union
“We reject the domination of Wall Street and the billionaire class over our society, and oppose this rigged political and economic system. We stand against both the fear that Trump represents and the corruption that backed Clinton. Neither party represents the interests of the 99%. . . The goal of this action is to build a new independent coalition movement for the 99% that stands outside the stranglehold duopoly of the GOP and DNC. We believe the 99% needs its own representation that rejects all corporate cash and influence, and puts people and planet over profits.”  —From Occupy Inauguration
“The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new administration on their first day in office, and to the world that women’s rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.” — Women’s March on Washington,
“In Washington and hundreds of cities across the U.S., Inauguration Day, January 20, will mark the first day of united mobilizations to resist and stop Trump’s war on the people. New Orleans should be counted on by bringing out thousands to say, “We Will Not Go Back.”  We have to unite all of our work with a mighty voice and together we can move mountains.”  —From the January 20th Counter Inauguration Mass Rally and March, New Orleans.

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