SANTA ANA, CA — Many homeless people have come forward with allegations of discrimination, favoritism and now, with the implementation of the so-called badge system, it’s more obvious.
As persons get escorted out of the shelter and are denied access to it without due process, I’m concerned that Constitutional rights are being violated by Orange County officials.
On the inside operation, with the badge system implemented, it’s been documented that staff and security guards are denying food to the homeless on a first-come, first-serve basis. Now, with the implementation, two lines are formed at the feeding site. One is for residents with a badge and the other is for non-residents without a badge. The issues are simple and people have come forward with their complaints of food running out and not being fed, being denied food for not having a badge, and the new homeless from outside of the Civic Center area are the ones getting the badges first.
In a video interview, a homeless person who has resided at the Santa Ana Civic Center for years stated that he was denied food and when the security guards sent him to the registration desk to ask for a badge, he was denied a badge. The staff stated that they weren’t giving out badges.
The homeless people without badges are being denied access to services, food, and a place to sleep in the shelter.
Susan Price, the Orange County Homeless Coordinator hired by the county to oversee the homeless crisis stated that the badge program has not been fully implemented. In fact, it has, as several complaints from people that have come forward has shown.
The Midnight Mission Administration doesn’t want to comment regarding this badge system.
I used to stay there at the courtyard shelter, most of the staff do their best to accommodate the guests that stay there. I knew no one who they denied food becasue they didnt have a badge. Maybe uts changed. And yes they do play favorites