Voices of the people in Michigan:


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Michiganders rally in Ben-
ton Harbor against the city’s
Emergency Financial Manager law in 2013. Rev. Pinkney was among the first to warn about the dangers of the state’s corporate

Elena Herrada, former Detroit school board member, stripped of power by Michigan’s Emergency Manager law, speaks about the destruction of democracy: “Reverend Edward Pinkney sits in prison tonight for recalling the mayor of Benton Harbor. The people of Michigan voted to repeal the Emergency Manager law and were punished with an unrepealable version of the law. During the elections, Flint, Grand Rapids and other cities ran out of ballots before the polls closed, as if we have never had elections before.  [Gov.] Snyder is so corrupt, yet he is at large. Poisoned water, corrupt laws, back room secret deals, legal representation for Snyder’s misdeeds at taxpayer expense. Michigan is suffering deeply.  Two signs of this: Trump wins in Michigan and Bernie Sanders wins in Michigan. Do not ignore the cries of the poor.”
A man was found dead in the snow in Benton Harbor. That people are living and dying in the street shows the level of poverty engulfing Benton Harbor and the rest of the country. Pati Heinz of Benton Harbor decries the immorality the system breeds when she says,  “I would like to know how a person can be so cold-hearted, to just leave another human being in the snow, like they are nothing!  I pray God brings justice to this family and the person(s) responsible for this are found. This is not what ANY family should be dealing with at Christmas time! PLEASE! If you know anything about this, contact the Benton Harbor Public Safety Department.”
More than 500 prisons and jails across 43 states are eliminating visits of family and friends with inmates. Prisons are using video systems for visitation. Dorothy Pinkney says,  “This is so unreal  . . . but it  paints a real picture of how fascism is controlling and destroying the majority of humanity even more.  Corporate and government greed for money, lust for power and control of society by any means necessary results in injustice and the creation of inhumane laws to justify their evil actions. But the rising up of society will cause their greater fall . . . “

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