Standing Rock Water Protectors with ‘DAPL cough’: get tested for poisoning


For months, military and police attacked Water Protectors camped to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Tens of thousands of people came to Standing Rock to lend their support. Although the largest camp has now been removed, the struggle continues against the corporations that destroy our water and land.

CANNONBALL, ND – Water Protectors who have traveled to the camps at Standing Rock have reported contracting a condition they refer to as the DAPL cough.
Symptoms of the DAPL cough include coughing accompanied by severe fatigue, deep lung congestion and discomfort. Not cured by antibiotics, it often lasts from two to 16 weeks. Some report bloody noses and brain fog. Others report coughing up blood.
Some say the cough is a simple response to the weather and the rough winter living conditions at camp or a possible reaction to repeated exposure to chemicals sprayed by the police at the front line. Others blame low-flying crop-dusting planes that might be dropping chemicals on the camps late at night.
An EPA report dated April 22, 2016 states that 40,000 pounds of the chemical Chlorophacinone (one of its trade names being Rozol®), which is intended to be applied by hand in prairie dog burrows, was broadcast on the ground of the Meyer’s Ranch property which borders Standing Rock’s Oceti Sakowin camp and contains sacred burial grounds contested in September.
The violations were first discovered in late April, shortly after protests at Standing Rock began, when six dead bald eagles and several dead bison were found on the ranch. The EPA ordered that Meyers till the deadly chemical under the soil, effectively removing the surface contamination, but not reducing the risk of groundwater contamination.
Dead bison were also found as recently as August 2016, documents said.
The EPA reports that prairie dogs were left where they died instead of being routinely removed to protect other wildlife. This makes the entry of Rozol® into the local food chain quite probable. Considering the danger, the EPA’s orders to bury the chemical without any kind of fine or penalty to the commercial farmer seem light in comparison.
Since April 2016, more than 20,000 people and members of over 350 Native American nations have traveled to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation to join in protests against the DAPL pipeline and to support Native American treaty rights and sovereignty.
Protectors who have fallen ill after their return from the camps have discovered Rozol® and other chemicals in their blood stream and in hair samples and have reported this to the UN.
Therefore, Protectors with symptoms are urged to report to a medical professional and be tested. They should request a full toxicology screening for Rozol®. Chemical exposure is very difficult to diagnose. People must be sure to tell the doctor they were likely exposed to airborne chemicals, with a possibility of ingestion of Rozol®. All suspected positive findings should be sent to Inherent Rights Agency and the Standing Rock Legal Collective.
Sadly, like in Flint, MI, corporate interests are being prioritized over the people’s interests. The possible entrance of these chemicals into the food chain and water table are being ignored, and the rancher is not held responsible for the damage except in the form of cleanup. The health effects of this action must be documented and reported to save lives and to create a paper trail that can be used for accountability.

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  1. So disconnected from the Mother that they don’t understand that they’re poisoning themselves. Criminal, amoral fools.

  2. Corporate greed and Morton County corruption is an epidemic in Morton County. Racism is an epidemic on steroids. Together these elements have stepped on the rights of unarmed peaceful water protectors. Even the federal government violates our people’s rights.

  3. Is this eradication of indigenous people once again? Thousands of our people were killed by intentional smallpox exposure. And now this? We don’t need to declare war if this is true. The black snake won’t discriminate. It will kill your babies too. Where is the media? Who will pay for this crime?

  4. Why does the US allow the use of such chemicals? I’m not convinced that this poisoning came from a prior prairie dog massacre, which wouldn’t have been needed if predators were not killed off. This matter needs continued investigation. The Prairie dog story may just be a convenient cover up for Morton County terrorists.

    • Yes. While the prarie dog story may be true, numerous people on the ground saw crop dusters in November broadcasting something into the air above camp. Anyone with information about this should contact the SR Legal Collective. If anyone knows what chemicals have already been found in hair samples of Water Protectors, please share here, so I and others can get properly tested. Thanks!

  5. I am Praying that all the poisoned find a healing solution to this unacceptable genocide of Prayerful Peaceful Water Protectors before anymore lose their life. Condolences to our Brothers and Sisters and Blessings to Our Mother Earth.

  6. What are the “I inherent rights agency” and “standing rock legal”? Wh
    at is there intention with information given to them. Is this the same
    atoup the published a poster, unconsentually listing the legal names of WPs? Same group the “filed” an “arrest warrant” for Trump? Just checking.

  7. Through knowing Elana Freeland (cutting edge author/researcher of CHEMTRAILS, HAARP, Full spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth) here in Santa Fe, I knew they were being sprayed with God knows what–They have tons of stuff they use in chemtrails. That’s why I sent 100s of face masks, but doubt even the medical staff understood the real threats of the sprays.
    The fact of those sprays and of the move to 5G which requires a cell tower every 3 or 4 houses is expected to raise cancer rates—and it will use the same frequencies as the Pentagon’s “Pain Gun,” also called Active Denial Systems (ADS).
    See Dr. David Carpenter of SUNY on the Thom Hartmann (2/2/17) show explaining the damaging health effects: and to ask all concerned to contact their representatives asking them to STOP and test health effects first.

  8. I hope that the diagnosis of DAPL cough will be properly recognised and that the source will be properly attributed – chemical warfare is the most cowardly in that it is so insidious and invisible. Shame on the perpetrators!

  9. This is bad journalism and irresponsible. The dapl cough has nothing to do with rozol exposure. Some people had whooping cough aka a hundred day cough that even after treatment you still cough your just no longer contagious.
    Some people had shitty lungs to begin with. Also living in the ND winter off grid, going in and out of the cold, smoking too many cigarettes and the occasional exposure to chemical weapons, the wood smoke in camp all are far more likely contributing factors than Rozol poisoning.
    Grief and loss affect the lungs and can make them weak when unresolved according to Chinese medicine this to makes more of sense than Rozol exposure.

  10. I was poisoned (was..hmmm) … sept 28th cropduster spread a mustard yellow powder over us as we prayed… I was in a wheelchair/homebound 5 months … now walking with much pain. Dr’s don’t want to prove their govt uses chemical weapons.

  11. It’s horrendous! people being so blatantly mistreated; & continually throughout history; I am just thoroughly disgusted with the heartless; disregard shown & the “good” fight having to be constantly fight for basic human dignity & respect; with no regard to those who suffer through the hands of local paid authority & having to have the fear of fighting on the legal front as well; having to prove still in this land; That we are guilty before proven innocent

  12. And yet the white house used the same excuse to bomb syria. The world should to pay attention to this injustice and be sure the source of the poisoning is brought to justice

  13. the mere existence of Rozol for ‘prarie dog’ control would be perfect cover for overflights spraying even more poisons on the demonstrators. all the tents and other possessions should also be tested for poisons of any kind. Chemical warfare against US citizens deserves a military response.

  14. its heart breaking the USA government will do this evil act.. so what are they going to do now?? the government needs to give back every bit of land and pressures gem and soil, riches the government has stolen and to stop murders all the native people. the governments needs to be EDUCATED from the native Americans how to treat the mother earth and the thunder beings and all 4 legged s.. blessings and WATER IS LIFE, stop murdering indigenous woman, children LOVE EACH OTHER

  15. I am deeply saddened by this . They have no interests in human life ,animal life or life at sll. Money is their affliction. And where will this stop.

  16. I was there in November…I slept outside under the stars….a plane flew over and sprayed the camp. I ended up sick with the cough. I now have asthma and lung nodules that I did not have before Standing Rock. They definitely sprayed us with something!

  17. Regarding the spraying of Water Protectors by Morton County in 2016 I am copying info and my comments. Please help find more material to corroborate what happened. “My name is Brian O’Keefe and I spent 6 weeks at Oceti Sakowin from early Nov. 2016 to the middle of December 2016. I was brutally arrested and charged with a felony and two misdemeanors for the during the No More Stolen Sisters demonstration. Later I experienced what could only be called being sprayed. I was speaking with another WP when the gray plane flew over and we both felt and tasted the aerosol; like roach spray smells. An attorney that is working the class action re: Police brutality, inquired if there was any evidence to prove we were sprayed. I have sent the following to The Morton County Sheriff’s Department Lawsuit Initiative FB page where there is lots of info. The moderator and page created, Lori Crites has been helpful. I will post this to the Indigenous Life Movement FB page also. It is the first trail of evidence that I’ve found but I believe there is more, like what the plane in your video looked like and if anyone got the ID of the plane. That would definitely make a good case. Here’s what I found so far: “Brian O’Keefe Author: I have researched the Morton county website and there is a transparent government page in which all expenditures can be seen. It was only up through part of 2015 to part of 2017. I found that the county had paid $6200 to Sprayers Inc. for hanger rental. Sprayers Inc is a crop dusting service based at the Mandan Muni Airport. The county shows the specific accounts from which expenses are paid and the payment to Sprayers Inc came from the DAPL account on 10/12/2016. Pretty clearcut to me. So why would the County pay a crop dusting company’s rent for a hangar at the airport? I need more info to tie this piece all together.I also saw the Sheriff’s bulletin explaining what protectors were calling aerosolized poison being dropped as vegetable oil as used in aerobatics shows. However, I found that vegetable oil is not used for that purpose but mineral and paraffin oil are. Would be interesting to know the plane and its equipment. (…/9-29_release_on_spray…) I apologize for the length of the following Sheriff’s bulletin but the link may not work. If you have any info or possible avenues of research please let me know. Thanks The Sheriff’s bulletin (which incorrectly has the date of 9/28/2015 when it was actually 9/28/2016: “Mandan, N.D. — The Morton County Sheriff’s Department is aware of the video and pictures
    that allegedly depict an aircraft spraying in the vicinity of protesters on September 28, 2015.
    We have been in touch with the owner of the aircraft but we are not releasing his identifying
    information for privacy reasons.
    It is very important that our residents are aware that the aircraft in question was an
    agricultural spray plane (bi-plane) flying to a field to apply a product. The pilot noticed a DAPL
    helicopter in the area, and because its engine was too loud to use radio communication to
    identify its location, the pilot deployed a common tactic to alert the helicopter to the bi-
    plane’s location. The protocol is to use vegetable oil (the same used in air shows) as a method
    to identify an aircraft in the area. What you see is the oil being burned off as it hits the
    exhaust; it is not a pesticide, nerve agent, or anything of the ilk. It’s a safety measure to
    protect both the bi-plane’s pilot and the pilot of the helicopter.
    According to the North Dakota Highway Patrol, the bi-plane was flying at an altitude of 400 to
    500 feet and was approximately ½ mile from the protestors. The FAA will be in contacted by
    the pilot, but the pilot does not anticipate any issues as the actions were in compliance with
    FAA regulations.

  18. This is how you build a desert. This is how you kill a culture. This is how you get rid of evidence. This is how you get sick. This is why we adapt. Now is the time to plant a forest, to learn your language, to make a paper trail, to offer healing when one can, move positively toward the future. Lift your fellow man and stand up for good people and better causes. Please.

  19. I’m curious of all the tribal nations being hit hard by covid 19 could be the results of maybe sars 1 and 2 having been around longer then we think as to think of it as a possibility that maybe it’s how it spread through all the tribes and reservations think about it ain’t tribes traveling all over China pr other places to have picked it up and spread it all over our reservations maybe what them planes was dropping could’ve been covid19 remember when Obama was stepping out of house and Trump stepped in he terminated foreign government policies and approved the pipeline after Obama shut it down now look at how tribal nations have been last to receive any vaccination maybe I’m wrong but I’m probably right to the possibility that it could be so and probably been around for who knows how long couldv been in the labs and slow crawled out to keep from being detected either way the police agencies or anbody evolved needs to be held accountable

  20. I was at the Oceti Sakowin camp and left back for the Navajo Nation a few days after Obama canceled DAPL. I too became sick with a bad cough and lung congestion and it stuck with me for 2 months after. I have not been tested for the poison yet. All the people who came back in the van to Albuquerque 8 total all under 50 had this cough.


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