If you are elderly, chronically ill, disabled, retired or just plain poor this question —what and who is government for—should now be on your mind. President Trump’s proposed budget cuts and the possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act would deprive millions of people of services they need to survive. A lady that voted for Trump from Jones County, Georgia who suffered a stroke and now depends on the Meals On Wheels program reacted to the cuts like this, “I was under the influence that he was going to help us.”
Yes, government should help its people. Otherwise, why do we need it? But we don’t have a government for the people. We have a corporate government. Corporate government only helps corporate profits.
Homeless people continue to die on our streets while foreclosed homes sit empty. People are dying of drug overdoses, and clinics to help them are closing. Poisonous lead tainted water continues to flow through people’s pipes in Flint (and elsewhere) while those same people get inflated water bills.
Corporate government places more value on profit then on human life. An economic system that refuses to feed, clothe, house and provide healthcare for its people must be exposed and replaced by a system that does.