Homeless movement speaks out about strategies and visions


Berkeley CA ‘Poor Tour’ protest tent community.
Photo/Sarah Menefee

On this page, leaders of the homeless movement and, speaking up against a broken system that puts people in the streets, tell their stories and describe their strategies and their visions. A system of private corporate ownership of everything we need, including housing, must be changed if our class – the vast majority of us – is to find housing and everything else we need to sustain our lives.
The voices you read here are of people waking up to this reality in their own lives and in those they see around them, and organizing for systemic change. The billionaire ruling class and its bribed politicians can no longer blame the victims of this broken system for its failures.
There is a mighty movement arising in this country and all over the world. An important part of that movement is alive in the tent communities and other actions that defy the rulers’ attempts to hide, isolate and criminalize the victims of private property and the capitalist system.
The People’s Tribune reports from the fronts of this movement, and has just completed promoting a national speakers tour featuring homeless leaders themselves. Read this and other stories, then donate, distribute and write for the paper; it is your voice, independent and reader-supported.
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City of Houston’s war on the homeless


‘I’m embedded in the homeless condition of humanity in America’


First they came for the homeless


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Sebastian Higgs, of the Berkeley CA ‘Poor Tour’ protest tent community, wears a sign he made in solidarity with his immigrant brothers and sisters, many of whom are also homeless.


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The People’s Tribune brings you articles written by individuals or organizations, along with our own reporting. Bylined articles reflect the views of the authors. Unsigned articles reflect the views of the editorial board. Please credit the source when sharing: ©2024 peoplestribune.org. Please donate to help us keep bringing you voices of the movement. Click here. We’re all volunteer, no paid staff.


  1. On news last night Mayor announced his budget is going to deall with three problems; drug addiction on the streets, homelessnes, and road holes. He wants to get rid of tent cities he says. Translation, he wants to stop the organizing from having places where they, we can organize.


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