FLINT, MI — The State will not call this a disaster—the City of Flint has had its share of Toxins, Larger than most Cities. We could smell it, breathe it from G.M. to Buick to DuPont; we even saw it from Trucks to Tankers to trains that passed. But in some unspoken way we felt safe knowing it was always out of harm’s way. We knew what poison, toxic, acidic words were. And we knew better not to play in it, to unknowingly be forced to drink from the Flint River and be charged the highest rates in the Nation!? Then be told by the people we voted or hired to protect us from this poison that everything’s fine. So as our eyes burn our bodies deteriorate, our hair falls out and our lives are lost from words the State never seemed to understand, “Leigionella”, Lead, Copper, Bacteria, TTHM’S, and others, they won’t acknowledge what’s even in the water as they force these useless filters on us at all cost. These outrageous water bills, health problems and cost have destroyed families, houses, and lives. Maybe Snyder & the State are right, maybe it isn’t a “disaster.” IT’S COLD BLOODED MURDER!!
So as a Proud Flint native, it’s long past the time for this Governor & its State hired poison hit men to listen up. We are demanding that these listed DEMANDS be Met!
This is to be declared a disaster, period. Medicare for all impacted by Flint’s water, Past, Present and Future. No more Emergency Management system in any form! No SHUTOFFS ! Implement a cap on water/sewer bills (no more than 2% of a person’s income.) Stop police brutality and charges against people standing for water rights.”Constitutional Rights.”
DIS-AS-TER. Noun—A sudden event such as an accident or a natural catastrophe that causes Great Damage or Loss of Life!!!!!
This statement is on behalf of H2Ojustice. See peoplestribune.org for more information.