What kind of America do we want?


“Families Belong Together” protest in Chicago
Photo/Adrian Garcia

Some Americans are asking: “Why are immigrants coming here?”
Some of us are unaware of the brutal role the US government has played in forcing families to flee their countries and embark on the perilous journey to the US. Those fleeing are often victims of decades of US-sponsored war, murder, torture, overthrow of their democratically elected governments and the US backed drug trade.
Smedley Butler, the highest ranking US Marine Corps major general at the time of his death in 1940, explained how the US military guarantees profits for the corporations: “I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.”
“The people we are punishing are moms, kids, fathers, young teenagers, young men that are saying, ‘No, I won’t work with the cartels.’ They’re running for their lives says human rights lawyer and author Jennifer Harbury. She discusses the refugee crisis as blowback from U.S. dirty wars in Central America.
Branding undocumented families as terrorists and thieves of American jobs and putting children in cages is the attempt of our rulers to hide the true nature of a dying economic system. In fact, hundreds of thousands of families have been stripped of their jobs and homes. One fifth of American children live in poverty. Half a million kids suffer from lead poisoning each year. The billionaire class must direct the rising fear and anger at a scapegoat—lest it be directed at corporate America.
Underlying it all is the naked corporate takeover of America, many decades in the making.
It takes unity to stop a dictatorship. The powers that be are trying to pit the immigrants against the rest of the people. Significantly, Americans are beginning to stand up, about the children and about everything. Still, the threat of dictatorship remains real. Why? Our labor is no longer needed. The robot is doing more and more of the work. This is causing the huge growth of poverty. And it means those being discarded are a threat to the billionaires. If we are to have a whole new peaceful, prosperous and democratic society, we must have as our motto “all for each, and each for all.” We the people must fight together to stop deportations and separation of families—and for a new, just society for us all.

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