FLINT, MI — This is embrassing. However, I want to share a little of my story of our water crisis.
Many residents of Flint were affected by the switch to the Flint River. Some have died; a number we probably will never know the truth.
My grandchildren suffered hair loss, boils, and rashes.
I suffered rashes from time to time. My hands have rashes that constantly itch. I went to my dermatologist and was told it was a rash form, maybe psoriasis. The dermatologist used several creams, but none has yet to work.
I was told on several occasions to leave Flint.

I tried and came back to help my people with all I had. I could not leave my Mom, kids, family and friends, knowing they needed my motivation and inspiration to stand and Fight for Justice!
Yes, I get tired of all our people fighting each other. And the division in the community activist circle. I have an assignment to help and educate the people as much as I can.
We have some Victory and many may not see it or even don’t want to see it.
This fight never was for the quick and the swift but for the ones who endure to the end.
I applaud many of the seniors who continue to go to the water pods to volunteer knowing how their body may feel. They put themselves aside to help all our families!! Salute!!
We all need each other in this fight for Clean Water. There is no Big I’s or Little U’s it Just “US”
The Victory is Ours FliCity.