William Calloway, an activist who successfully pressed the city to release the Chicago Police dashcam video of officer Jason Van Dyke executing Laquan McDonald.
“You can never have healing or reconciliation without accountability. … The city council that voted for these [out of court] settlements, they’re still in office. We need them removed…
“No city council people, no black elected officials showed up for us. It was just us. Our generation showed up. But yet they’re down in City Hall all the time voting on police settlements. … Over half a billion dollars going out in policemen’s settlements. … All of them need to go.
“And Black Chicago, we have to make sure that all these elected officials are voted out in this coming 2019 election. … Rahm has got to go. All the aldermen have got to go. Justice for Laquan!”
— William Calloway, an activist who successfully pressed the city to release the Chicago Police dashcam video of officer Jason Van Dyke executing Laquan McDonal
Laquan McDonald’s family says let us not become docile

Laquan McDonald’s great uncle, the Rev. Martin Hunter, spoke to the media on behalf of the family after the verdict.
“Laquan McDonald represents all the victims that suffered what he suffered across the country. … This [verdict] is not just a victory for the Hunter family. This is a victory for families all across the country…
“I’m saying to you, Chicago and America, let us begin to heal. But let us not heal and become docile. Let us heal and become motivated and activated. We have a city council—an entire city council—that is up for re-election. We need to go in there and begin to make voting decisions that will put us in a position that no more of our black boys will die at the hands of unjust police officers.”
— Rev. Martin Hunter, Laquan McDonald’s great uncle, speaking to the media on behalf of the family after the verdict.
Chicago: the Epicenter of the struggle for community control of the police
I agree every one should be accountable for their actions including politicians, community leaders, clergy, the famous and the lowest. Because remembering we all have a choice. No one is exempt all can exit. We must do the right thing.