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Monthly Archives: March, 2019

Healthcare national emergency: the fight is on

  It is no surprise that health care was the No.1 issue in the midterm elections and promises to remain the most important issue in...

Billionaires, not immigrants, are the real threat

Listening to the words coming out of the White House, we have a real emergency on our hands. Rapists, drug lords, and criminal masterminds are threatening the livelihoods of America’s working class. But the offenders who most ...

Will of the people violated in Utah health care fight

Utah voters, morally opposed to people in need going without healthcare, passed Prop 3 to expand Medicaid. Lawmakers overturned the legislation, voting for ...

An open letter to President Trump about freedom

Mr. Trump, you recently declared that America “will never be a socialist country.” You said, “We are born free, and we will stay free.” But how “free” are the ...

What do we do?’ Ask people made homeless by monster fires

Four months—yet it feels like it’s been forever since the Camp Fire ravaged the tight-knit community of Paradise, CA. The fire, which started on November 8 of 2018 ...

Imagine Being Homeless During the Polar Vortex

It was noon one recent Saturday in Northern Michigan, and temperatures were 30 degrees below zero. Winter storm warnings were blaring about the ...

‘This is life and death’ fire victims still out in the cold

Raelynn Butcher and others from the Marysville Homeless Union, a chapter of the California Homeless Union, and part of the Poor People’s Campaign, visit a ...

Life in a minivan: Mother, student and worker tells her story

Danielle Williams, 46, takes care of her teenage daughter and two dogs in the parking lot where she lives in her minivan. She downsized from an apartment to a car ...

Did you know?

Does the Walton family earn more in one minute than Walmart workers do in a year? The Washington Post says: YES. The Walton family makes: $25,149 a minute ...

Super Bowl Rally for Justice

Rally during the Super Bowl in Atlanta, GA protests the violation of the rights of the homeless who were moved out of the area for the Super Bowl; the money ...

We need our rights back

The Google 8 were arrested for dissent at the December 4 City Council Google Project vote, but people every day are arrested simply for being unhoused and ...

Denmark, SC demands justice for poisoning of their water

Many residents of Denmark, SC, rallied near their city hall Jan. 26 to demand a solution to the poisoning of the town’s water. It came out last year that the ...

Green New Deal: Bringing hope to the climate change debate

I grew up in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where climate change was never up for debate in my school system. Instead, I learned about the greenhouse gas effect ...

Public Dollars finance water privatization

Let’s look at an illustrative story of corporate theft: the “Sharples Water Line Extension Project” in Logan County, West Virginia. That project used public money ...

A Tenacious Faith

John 15:4-5 “Remain in me, as I remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in ...

The schools Oakland deserves

Oakland’s regular public schools lose $57 million a year to charter schools. If this money was kept in the district, it could be used to reduce class size and ...

Indigenous People’s March calls to end the genocide

Friday, January 18, 2019, marked the First Indigenous Peoples March in Washington D.C. Beginning in prayer and ending in a traditional round dance, the marchers ...

Rap musician Savage targeted by ICE

On February 1, Atlanta rapper 21 Savage released a video for his hit single “A Lot” on YouTube, the most popular platform for new music. It featured new lyrics ...

The beginning of the end

There is no period in country music that resonates today as much as it did in 1956-1972. But you’d have to dig beyond just the hits—into the B-sides and deep ...

The absolute truth about General Motors plant closings (Part 2)

In the short run, it is obvious that the United Auto Workers (UAW) and Canada Auto Workers (CAW) are not causing this situation. Neither is the $4 an hour GM ...

Did you think that tax cut was for you?

  A trending hash tag on Twitter is #GOPTaxScamStories. It is flooded with acid comments from outraged middle class taxpayers who have recently filed their...

The Second Cooler: Why immigrants come

Why have millions of immigrants left their homes and families to make an expensive, dangerous and sometimes deadly journey? The Second Cooler is a ...

“Magical Realism Nopales” May 11, 2018

Don’t eat with steel fork Eat with fingers & timeless maize Your soul weaved into saliva Don’t drink Coke Drink yerbabuena & café con leche Your tongue soaked in justice

The future of Benton Harbor schools is in trouble under new CEO

The new CEO of the Benton Harbor Area Schools told a local TV news program that his installation at the helm of the school district is in effect a state ...

Youth Climate Strike

US Youth Climate Strike, a movement of youth fighting for the conservation of our planet will have a global day of climate action and first ever nationwide ...

Two Years of Solidarity in Saint Joseph, Michigan

When demonstrations occurred across the country before the inauguration of the new president in January 2017, demonstrators continued weekly actions ...

From Moments of Resistance to a Movement for Freedom

Hosting a teach-in for the first time can be intimidating. How can we remember our talking points? How can we attract people's attention and keep their ...

Voices for a new future

“I’m a veteran of the United States Navy for 22 years. The biggest thing we had was Healthcare. A lot of vets and a lot of civilians don’t have Healthcare ...

Women Are Leading a Movement for Freedom

“Women are leading the fight in the interests of all society. In the age of A.I. and robotic production, marginalized and dispossessed women are leading a growing ...

The people of Flint must come together to take action

So many people in Flint are being diagnosed with cancer, especially kidney cancer. Lead has an affinity to the kidneys. Just how many people in Flint have died ...

Everyone deserves access to the Bill of Rights—AOC

Earlier this week, we heard the State of the Union address inside the capitol building. We heard the president say that he likes quote-unquote “legal immigration.” ...

International Women’s Day, 2019

On this page, in honor of International Women’s Day, when people all over the world rally for women’s rights, the People’s Tribune highlights women who are ...