On these pages are voices from the movement to save humanity and earth from corporate destruction. The people are demanding that government protect the environment on which all life depends while meeting everyone’s basic needs. The corporations are demanding that government destroy our movement to insure their interests and profits. The recent laws passed to criminalize pipeline protesters are but one example. But our fight for a clean environment will continue to keep advancing toward public control over the corporations if we are to save humanity and the Earth.
Cherri Foytlin (arrested and charged under Louisiana’s new law in Louisiana) says it well: “They think that by upping the punishment they’re going to keep people from protesting, but what will happen is we’re going to do things that are more worth getting the felony. Because now if we’re going to jail, then damn it, we’re going to go all in.” (See http://bit.ly/protestpipelines)
It is in this spirit that we ask you to support the People’s Tribune as a voice of and for the movement by becoming a subscriber, ordering bundles to distribute, and making one time or monthly donations. The future is up to us, the people! Visit peoplestribune.org — The Editors