Editor’s note: After 680 immigrants in nearby Mississippi were arrested in a raid, over 50 Birmingham, AL, clergy and activists decided what they will do if raids come to their city. Below are excerpts from their statement:
To the People of Birmingham and Neighbor Communities
From Concerned Clergy, Faith Leaders, and Faith Communities of Birmingham
“Though we represent diverse theological perspectives and traditions, our mutual commitment to the sacred and ethical treatment of our neighbors transcends boundaries: we believe in loving our neighbors as ourselves . . .
Our faith communities have watched with growing astonishment the racist, xenophobic, and violent rhetoric from our national leaders . . . [and] we are appalled by the hostile policies applied to immigrants and asylum seekers. . . .
“To that end, we affirm that:
• Our houses of worship will be sanctuary for those seeking refuge. . .
• Those of us who cannot safely offer sanctuary will actively and intentionally support those who do open the doors of their houses of worship to provide sanctuary to those . . . targeted by immigration enforcement operations. . . .
• We will take action and speak out when ICE raids target our neighbors. . .
• We also call on our elected city and county officials to refuse to comply with federal infringement on the rights of our neighbors . . . we call on Sheriff Mark Pettway to no longer detain community members without a warrant or transfer them into ICE custody.
We stand firmly on our scriptures and our traditions that this witness is necessary, timely, and in keeping with our faith.”