FLINT, MI — Flint residents were heartbroken upon hearing about the recent death of Congressman Elijah Cummings. Representative Cummings was ranking member of the Oversight Committee during the hearings on the Flint Water crisis. He fought to see that the hearings be held, even though Democrats were not in charge at the time.
Those hearings, held in early 2016, helped to expose the cover-up perpetrated by the then Snyder administration, which included the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), Flint’s Emergency Manager as well as the Governor himself. Several buses of Flint residents attended the proceedings, while others watched on TV back home.
Not only did the hearings show how a city of 100,000 residents and it’s children got poisoned, but how an American city was stripped of it’s democracy thru the notorious Emergency Manager law which set the basis for the disaster.
Congressman Cummings’ no holds barred grilling of the parties involved gave new meaning to speaking truth to power. It was so obvious that he’d done his homework. Governor Snyder, MDEQ head Creagh, and Emergency Manager Earley squirmed in their seats.
“Why would they be paying for water they cannot even use?” and further, “This is not a third world country! We are the last line of defense and if we don’t do it nobody is going to do it!”
Gone but not forgotten. Congressman Cummings Salute.