Elections: Voices of the people on universal health care


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Demonstrating for universal healthcare in Minnesota. Photo/ Ernesto de Quesada

Below are recent quotes from a variety of people, from Twitter posts and other sources, regarding the question of universal health care in America, including their support for candidates who address it. The Twitter posts were at the time of the Democratic debate in January.
“I’m from Canada, can’t believe you are living without universal health care. I’d be living in a box on the street with all the surgeries that I’ve needed.”
— Julie Shaw, on Twitter
“It’s sad as a nurse to see people that cannot get appropriate mental health care, either due to no insurance or lack of providers available. People are truly suffering. We need #Medicare4All , which includes mental health care. It will save lives. #Bernie2020”
— Mary Redden, on Twitter
“People FLEE America to not only get AFFORDABLE Healthcare, but also SUPERIOR healthcare. America doesn’t have to be a place where people die unnecessarily to provide more profit for the already wealthy. #M4A”
— Secret Ingredients, on Twitter
“The one thing I think that would probably help to unionize this whole country is if we would take the healthcare issue off of the table to start with, and just give everybody government healthcare like they should have. You know, when you start bargaining, that’s the first thing now that comes up. So take that off the table and we’ll bargain for what we need to be bargaining for: wages and pensions and days off and safety and things.”
— Terry Steele, a retired coal miner in West Virginia, quoted in “In These Times”
“Imagine if CNN cared about how much going to war with Iran, or the endless wars we have waged in the Middle East has cost us. No, instead, they are worried about what it would cost us to care for everyone in this country … during peacetime.”
— Dan Arel, on Twitter

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