‘This isn’t over!’ vow children suing govt over climate


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Children’s lawsuit seeks government action to stabilize climate system.

Editor’s note: The following are excerpts from a press release at childrenstrust.org/s/Juliana-Press-Release.
Juliana v. United States ​ is ​not about the government’s failure to act on climate. Instead, these​ young plaintiffs between the ages of 12 and 23, assert that the U.S. government, through its ​affirmative actions in creating a national energy system that causes climate change, is depriving them of their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property, and has failed to protect essential public trust resources.​ The case is one of many related legal actions brought by youth in several states and countries, supported by Our Children’s Trust, and all seeking science-based action by governments to stabilize the climate system.
On January 17, a divided Court recognized the gravity of the evidence on the youth plaintiffs’ injuries from climate change and the government’s role in causing them. Yet . . . two out of three judges said the court can do nothing. The third judge affirmed the youths’ constitutional climate rights and said “our nation is crumbling—at our government’s own hand—into a wasteland.”
Kelsey Juliana​, the 23-year-old named plaintiff in ​Juliana ​said: “​THIS ISN’T OVER. Prepare for a petition for review to the 9th circuit as we refuse to do anything but move forward. Courts do have an obligation to address issues of constitutional, existential crisis, like climate change. STAY HOPEFUL, STAY WITH US, STAY TUNED, STAY IN POWER.”
Levi Draheim​, 12-year-old plaintiff from Florida, commented: “Much like the civil rights cases, we firmly believe the courts can vindicate our constitutional rights and we will not stop until we get a decision that says so.”

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