I’ve heard about the firing of Dr. Ming Lin in WA state, physician and ER doctor . . . for speaking out about the complete lack of PPE and protection for front line staff…
As clinicians, as the tribe of healthcare, Covid 19 will be the catalyst that burns this broken system to the ground.
When you have a dominator hierarchy where the profession is run by MBA’s at the top getting ridiculous salaries, who have never touched a patient—I’m not talking about clinician leaders or those organizations around the country so well run as a team, where everyone has a voice and is practicing together in the service of patient and each other, that’s called health 3.0. That’s not what we have in most institutions in the country.
What we have is a scenario where a business person turns [our] beautiful sacred calling into dollars and cents and yachts and bonuses and golden Parachutes. And then when a crisis happens, where we are called on to sacrifice our lives in service of this calling, they say ‘you can’t have a voice.’ Ok, this ends today. This is the end of the administrative technocracy that has destroyed medicine. Covid 19 will wash this filth back into the sea . . .
We on the front lines of healthcare will hold every single leader accountable when this is over. . . We will never forget. . . We demand . . . an end to gag orders . . . to non-clinical leadership telling us how to care for patients . . . to administrative technocracy, to HIPAA . . . used as a sword against clinicians who need to speak out . . . You say you’re worrying about patient privacy. No. You’re worried about someone figuring out how much you make and how little you do for patients… we demand you be fired, instead of us . . .an end to nurse slavery, they are not commodities, cost centers; [they’re the] beating heart of medicine, part of our team . . . and we demand . . . every person in the team has a voice, is practicing at the top of their training, and collaborating with us to support not just our patients but each other . . .
We would like …to actually have quality science be a thing . . . [and have a] focus on preventative. The Covid will be the catalyst to bring it down and the new will emerge . . . technology will enable our human relationship . . .
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mvlqh0JN55M