Editor’s note: The following correspondence is from a contributor who wishes to remain anonymous. See video about this struggle at https://www.wlbt.com/2019/10/22/proposed-landfill-madison-county-continues-draw-opposition-community/
MADISON COUNTY – This is Mississippi’s deadliest dirtiest secret ever. These cancer numbers are from the National Health Statistics. Madison County is No. 1 for breast and prostate cancer death in the U.S. The county has the second biggest cancer cluster in the nation: brain tumors, autoimmune illnesses, lung disease, and cats, dogs and horses are dying with tumors.
It’s all environmental: over 60 years of landfills. Three other states are shipping their landfill trash into the Little Dixie landfill. There are signs that say they dispose of asbestos. Little Dixie has broken the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act. There are six types of landfills here and not all on the books.
There are chemical factories here, including Monsanto, which makes Roundup. There is ane industrial area in Gluckstadt, a Superfund site on Bachelor/Bear Creek with Creosote in it. That site had the Canton Landfill leach into the water supply. There are dirt mines. Mississippi built their richest towns on a wasteland. It is profit over people. Mississippi is making a killing off off Madison County. We are being sacrificed.
You’re more likely to die young in Mississippi than any other U.S. state. Mississippi hospitals are doing millions of dollars of expansions. So Mississippi is not only making money off their richest town and toxic landfills. They’re profiting off of the medical treatment for the sickness they caused.