Get out and vote for progressives in down ballot races!
An unprecedented number of progressive candidates are fighting for a just America and for the survival of the people of their states in 2020. Medicare for All, racial justice, climate, clean water, and no corporate money in politics, are among the issues. Hotly contested races include Paula Swearengin, WV; Cori Bush, MO; Rashida Talib, MI; Jamal Bowman and Ritchie Torres, NY; and many more. Below is a story about the campaign of Cori Bush in Missouri for U.S. Congress. As we got to press, her victory in the primary was announced!
Cori Bush is a nurse, community activist, a mother and pastor who has dedicated her life to advocate for progress. She is running for US Congress in Missouri’s First District. She is challenging Democrat Rep. William Lacy Clay in the August 4 primary for the second time. Her campaign has raised over $500,000 from the grassroots and has been endorsed by the youth-led Sunshine movement, Bernie and other progressive candidates.
As a nurse, she was in Ferguson after the police murder of Michael Brown to aid the community. “I never thought I would see the kind of state-sanctioned violence and hatred I’d learned about growing up with my own eyes. Yet, overnight, it had become my daily reality,” she said. “More than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, I saw regular, everyday people brutalized on the streets of Ferguson. I saw people arrested for what felt like no reason at all. I saw people beaten unconscious for the mere act of raising their voices in the name of justice for Black folks.” (Elle Magazine)
She is lobbying on a platform of Medicare for All, police demilitarization and reform, and the Green New Deal. She states, “This is a time in our history when complacency cannot be the standard. Americans today must decide between medication and rent. Our justice system over-incarcerates and our education system under-educates, while millions of children live in poverty and thousands live in cages.”
Information found at Facebook.com/VoteCoriBush