As Congress debates how much to cut from the Heroes Act going to workers suffering the effects of the coronavirus and the economy, as moratoriums on evictions and utility shut-offs expire, corporations are getting trillions in taxpayer dollars. Businesses are filing bankruptcy and layoffs are putting the unofficial unemployment rate at over 30%. Without major government intervention in the economy on behalf of workers and their families, millions more will become homeless and hungry, and deaths from COVID-19 will rise. It’s becoming clear that Trump and the billionaires who control Congress and the country are ready to let us die. In a for-profit, increasingly automated economy, workers are expendable. Without a fight, money will go for corporate profits, with little or nothing for workers. We cannot allow our government to let us die. This year we must not only keep up the pressure in the streets, but vote as if our lives depend on it, because they do! — The Editors