Leaders of Dream Defenders, March for Our Lives, Sunrise Movement, and United We Dream PAC announced that their youth-led advocacy groups have come together . . . to defeat Donald Trump, “protect the ballot box from corruption, and lead a massive youth strike if Trump tries to steal the election.”
“We are the Dreamers who won protections for immigrants. We are the kids who took on the NRA. Our generation made Black Lives Matter a national rallying cry and the Green New Deal a political priority . . . Our generation is at the forefront of the fight for democracy . . . What we’re building together will be crucial towards plugging young people into action who are feeling anxious about the state of our democracy, society, and planet . . . Together, we’re going to vote and organize like our communities and planet are at stake, because they are.”
Information is by Jessica Corbett, Common Dreams
I also heard/read on the main stream media news that workers are calling for a General Strike if fascist Trump tries to steal the elections.