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Tanya Kitts-Lewinski, President, Kenosha Education Association.
Photo / Joe Brusky

Editor’s note: Covid cases are spiking in many school districts; tragically, at least six teachers have died. Excerpts below are from educators on what must be done to protect our communities.  
Tanya Kitts-Lewinski speaking to Kenosha school board: I am a proud Special Education Teacher and President of the Kenosha Education Association. I’ve been called a bully, selfish thug, and recently told I should be charged with disorderly conduct and assault for going over my 3-minute allotted time at [the last] board meeting. Myself and our union has been completely mischaracterized. Our educators, the people entrusted to educate, care for, and love our KUSD students, have been harassed and threatened and what should be confidential information has been shared across social media with the intent to bully educators. This is not the way to treat the people who dedicate our lives to Kenosha’s children. KEA continues to believe that virtual learning is the most responsible option until this virus is under control. Until we can find better ways to enforce and implement safety precautions consistently in our buildings, maintaining in-person learning is just not safe. We will keep advocating for better solutions that prioritize safety.

Stacy Davis Gates, Vice President, Chicago Teachers Union:
“Public schools must prioritize the wellbeing of students, educators, and the community. A healthy school system requires long-term public investment, not corporations that offer short-term, top-down, individual solutions. When government can bailout billionaires … we see the money exists to build a system of public education that can build the leaders we need to transform the world. Scientifically, we see the only solutions that can work must be organized at the national level by government to benefit everyone. This moment requires communities to use their political power to reopen safely and reclaim public schools to address our needs.”

(Excerpt, Facebook Video, Illinois Federation of Teachers )

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