We can build a society without poverty and fear


This painting by California artist Luis Garcia shows a typical vehicular dweller’s home. Thousands of people have lost their homes and have taken refuge in their vehicles. Often these homes are impounded and lost

The government’s response to the pandemic and poverty has not been enough. The people need things like income, housing and health care now. Instead the government has given trillions to the wealthy and corporations, and a pittance to the people. The fact that the government could find trillions to give to business clearly implies we could meet everyone’s needs all the time, not just in a crisis.
Even before the pandemic, jobs were already vanishing because of automation, and this will continue. The current crisis makes clear that we have to have a government and society that will take care of the people. The billionaires who control the wealth and the government are standing in the way of this.
Although our true nature as human beings is to unite and care for one another, capitalism has taught us to compete, to fear each other, to believe there is not enough to go around. Yet as a country, we already have the wealth to have a society free of poverty and fear.
In a 1967 speech, Martin Luther King Jr. said when you question why there are so many poor people in America, “you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth. When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society…”
Today millions of people are asking questions about the whole society, and demanding that the government serve the people, not billionaires and corporations. We can make that happen if we keep pushing forward against the wealthy few who block our path.

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  1. I would like an apprentice or someone who knows more, than me about a getting a huge story printed in Main Stream Media. MSM.
    The story is about landlords associations, telling good landlords its dine to charge a mandatory income, when it has Not Been since 1969, and the National Fair Housing Act.
    Charging 2 +3 time the income of the rent, means ir places landlords who already has extraordinary Power, over tenant’s, in a position of additional strength. They can arbitrarily, create an unaffordable price of rent, without the power to enforce it. Lawmakers has the right of enforcement over employers. Landlands don’t !
    Not grocery stores, car places, sellars of hardware, has the right to increase their prices, to 2 to 3 times, the cost of their items. Imagine car dealers saying the income of a car renter must be $45,000 a year in order to rent a $16,900 chevy. They would not sale many cars.
    As over 65% of worker earn only $7.25 an hour, X 40 or less hours, a week. Tops earning is $290 a week, before taxes. Times, an average of 4.5 weeks is $1,305 a month. That minimum wage is a slave worker earnings of merely $15,660 a year. This Scam charge is done “On the Down Low”. But it applies, in states and big cities, across the country.
    This illegal action, by landlords, adversely affects all badly paid people. People of non Christian religions, the disabled, families with children under 1 to18 years of age. It affects the poor of all nationalities, White, Blacks, Latinos, Asians.
    The federal Civil Rights Act, or Law, has been in effect since 1969. Trump and Ben Carson might have removed some actions, but not many. Biden needs to replace them and enforce them. This is a huge step to moving society forward. Any one who wants to be part of moving Society ahead, call Jan at 719.465.3454. From 9AM To 6PM.


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