Photo / daymonjhartley.com
The People’s Tribune hosts discussions on the water crisis facing so many of our communities across the country where people can share experiences and strategize. Send your story to info@peoplestribune.org! Below Rev. Edward Pinkney describes the toxic water crisis in Benton Harbor, MI, a majority African American town, home to and under the heel of the corporate giant, Whirlpool: The Editors
Rev. Edward Pinkney: “The mayor said the water was great. He didn’t know I was testing. It came back that the water was undrinkable with lead and other toxins. That’s when they started passing out the water filters. But they only gave one, or two. When filters get a yellow line, it’s time to change. The Berrien County Health Department didn’t want to give people replacements — being a black community is the worst. We had to fight them. We forced them to start giving people more than one. Their job is to distribute water filters, but they had no relationship with the people. We came in and showed them how to distribute the filters. We were the ones knocking on doors, making sure everyone had a filter. We did good, 75% of the homes got filters. They would take major credit, but we were out here door to door, even with the pandemic. We got a team of young folks who mask up, with gloves, and simply ask people, “Do you have a water filter? Is the light blinking red? How long have you had it?’
“Recently, Michael O’Malley, Director of the Water Plant, failed to flip a switch to kill bacteria in the water for over two hours. It was so bad they fired him. We did the job they should be doing, warning people to not drink, cook or bathe in the water, and to boil it. One of the main killers in water is bacteria in combination with lead. It’s deadly, affecting children and seniors more. This morning they said they believe the bacteria has been contained, but what does that mean? I’m advising people to not drink, or brush your teeth with it and if you cook with it, boil it. We organize ‘drive-bys’ where we give out hundreds of cases of water; people drive up and kids put it in the trunk of their cars. We’re also working on projects to get lead out of houses and stop the water leaks.
“So why won’t Whirlpool help the people?”
Wow! This sounds like another water situation like the one the “City of Flint” had about five years ago!