Youth gave Biden a climate mandate


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Photo / Sunrise Movement

These are excerpts from a post from Sunrise Movement’s Facebook page.
Joe Biden wins with the highest youth turnout in history. Young people saved American Democracy and ended the fascist reign of Donald Trump.
And you know what the number one swing issue for young black folks and young Latinos was? Climate. We just gave Joe Biden a #ClimateMandate.
Is he gonna lead with bold power? Is he gonna smash all those DC norms that let our people die?
Or is he gonna be Mitch McConnell’s vice president?
Biden won on the strength of his GND-influenced economic recovery and climate plan — the plan we redesigned with @AOC as part of the Biden-Bernie climate task-force.
Biden out-performed Conservative Dems who ceded all economic vision. They have been losing down ballot races for a decade, but every election, the losers blame something new. Gay marriage, M4A, BLM.
They lose because Democracy is a popularity contest and they are unpopular.
We can’t cure fascism with centrism. Trump, QAnon, fascism has seized the public imagination. We will only win with bigger ideas.
No Progressive lost their seat. It’s time to remake the Democratic Party in our image.
The Dems will go extinct if they don’t build people power. Showing up to protests and union meetings. Recruiting inspiring candidates who sound like their constituents.
We need to build a prophecy of what we can build together. Green New Deal is that. Even Make America Great Again is that.
The age of incrementalism is over.

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