May all have a real home…


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I wish everyone the kind of home I have right now:

Where I sleep well because the conditions allow it

Where I experience sanctuary from human domination & hostility

Where I feel joy because I’m close to the ground, & am strengthened & healed by that

Where I breathe air instead of radon, CO2 & unvented outgassed chemicals

Where I can pray whenever I want

Where my neighbors scurry, dust bathe & fly

Where I’m not obstructed by a rich property owner’s selfish & oppressive preferences

Where I look forward to coming, & feel sad when I leave.

May all have a real home in the equitable world we work to manifest. I’m so thankful for every minute I have mine.

Monica Tmartella

By Monica Tmartella, a Petaluma, CA based worker and homeless rights and animal rights activist who has been resisting having her independent housing, her tent, confiscated by the city and the police, as is constantly threatened. She writes eloquently about autonomy, self-reliance and mutual support in the houseless community, and the responsibility of the government to provide all with real housing, demanding that they stop criminalizing those they have failed, as she writes, “trying to drive poor people out of their homes, out of the city, and/or into a cage they call a ‘shelter.’”

‘I can’t fight any longer but maybe my story can help’

House the homeless! says Homeless Union

Los Angeles: ‘People have a right to a home!’Human rights violations against the unhoused community in Los Angeles

During a pandemic housing is a matter of life and death

Reno homeless and their supporters resist cruel sweeps


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